Play Alone or With Your Friends! The Warcry Cooperative Play Mission Pack
As part of the reveals for the next edition of Killteam, Games Workshop showed off their new Cooperative and Single Player game modes which allow a player to do battle against AI controlled NPCs either as a single player experience or jointly with a friend. Of course I took it upon myself to translate this into Warcry so that we would be able to do the same. Fast forward to now and I am happy to present my Warcry Cooperative Play Mission Pack; A mash together of those Killteam rules along with the Rat Hunters PvE mission from the 2021 Tome of Champions.
This is a player vs environment (PvE) mission pack that provides cooperative or solo gameplay. It’s ideal for introducing new players to the game. It’s also ideal for players without an active community to play solo and gain experience in the game. In either case, this is intended as an introductory mission pack, and future PvE mission packs will expand the concept further. If playing cooperatively, you are still one ‘player’. This means you don’t double your dice during the initiative phase, warband points values, etc. You must manage them between you.
All of the rules that I go over are available free to download HERE
The players use one warband. If you are playing solo, simply select your warband as normal. If you are playing cooperatively, select a warband as normal and split the fighters between you.
Your Warband will fight against procedurally generated non-player fighters (Known as NPFs). NPFs are standard soldiers from their army – sentries, frontline troops, guards, etc. As such, you don’t select a warband for them. Instead, you select the appropriate fighter cards from P3. Alternatively, you can create your own fighter cards to accurately reflect their stats using existing warbands as a guide. Just ignore rules that wouldn’t be appropriate for standard soldiers.
Each mission specifies how many NPFs you should include, determined by their combined wounds stat. To increase or decrease the difficulty, simply increase or decrease this number as appropriate.
In the hero phase, the NPF warband has no initiative dice or wild dice. Instead, the NPF warband is always considered to have 3 singles for determining initiative and wins any ties automatically.
The abilities used by NPFs can be found on the NPF abilities table below. These use a single ability dice, and only NPFs can use these abilities.
- They always take the quickest route, jumping over pits or gaps and climbing obstacles if necessary.
- They will always jump down from platforms rather than climb down.
- They will never finish a move action above a pit.
- They will never climb dangerous terrain.
NPFs have a behaviour in their name that determines what they do.
Whenever an NPF would perform an action, perform the first action it can do from its behaviour list. If it cannot do this, perform the second, third and so on. If it cannot perform any, it will automatically pass.
- Deadly Strike
- Perfom a Melee Attack Action
- Charge towards the closest visible enemy fighter. If there are no visible enemy fighters, they move as close as possible to the nearest enemy fighter.
- Move towards the closest visible enemy fighter. If there are no visible enemy fighters, they move as close as possible to the nearest enemy fighter.
- Recuperate
- Disengage. If possible, to a location where there’s a valid target that isn’t in cover. If not, to where there’s an objective visible to this NPF and within the maximum range of it’s ranged weapon profile.
- Perform a Ranged Attack Action.
- Perform a Melee Attack Action
- Move to a location where there’s a valid target. If not, where there’s an objective visible to this NPF and within the maximum range of it’s ranged weapon profile
When making decisions for NPFs, use the threat principle: go with the option that’s worst for you. This can determine which ready NPF activates, and how an NPF moves and fights. There are a few examples below (containing decisions in order of propriety) that you can use as a guide, but if one option feels worse for you, go with that. If you still cannot decide, randomly choose one.
Activation Priority
Multiple NPFs have not yet activated, so the players activate the NPF that:
- Can perform either a Melee Attack Action or Ranged Attack Action (as determined by its behaviour).
- Is closer to a player’s fighter.
Ranged Attack Action
An NPF performs a Ranged Attack Action and multiple enemy fighters are valid targets. It shoots the enemy fighter that is/has:
- Controlling or Contesting an objective.
- Closest.
- Wounded.
- Has Not Yet Activated.
Melee Attack Action
An NPF performs a Melee Attack Action and multiple enemy fighters are within it’s maximum weapon range. It fights the enemy fighter that is/has:
- Controlling or Contesting an objective.
- Wounded
- Has Not Yet Activated.