Warcry Content from Around the Internet
Official Games Workshop Warcry Links
Warhammer Community - https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/warcry/
Tools for reference and listbuilding.
Warcrier.net - https://warcrier.net/ - Rules compilation including all warbands, bladeborn and bespoke.
Wartally - https://wartally.com/ - Tournament Directory along with TO organisation tools.
General Resources
Card Creator - https://barrysheppard.github.io/warcry-card-creator/ - For all your bespoke reference card needs.
Warcry Statshammer - https://warcry-statshammer.herokuapp.com/ - A tool for calculating and comparing damage outputs for Warhammer Warcry fighters.
Mission Shuffler - https://warcry.zuckerrausch.de/ - Quick random mission generation.
Fighter Card Repository - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZkGdmvs-9ssg2OB0Vq22Yfg6E6ZsNzZTNUJ8xi6ixVo/htmlview
YouTube for tactics, product reviews, listbuilding, tournament and meta commentary. (Dont forget to like and Subscribe if you want people to keep making great content)
Off Meta Musings - https://www.youtube.com/@OffMetaMusings
Wargames On Toast - https://www.youtube.com/@wargamesontoast 3 Heroes 1 Chaff - https://www.youtube.com/@3Heroes1Chaff TheSaltySea - https://www.youtube.com/@thesaltyseagames Dayton Warcry Club - https://www.youtube.com/@DaytonWarcryClub Optimal Gamestate - https://www.youtube.com/@optimalgamestate Hobby Jackal - https://www.youtube.com/@HobbyJackal Tabletop and Beyond - https://www.youtube.com/@tabletopandbeyond Cinderfall Gaming - https://www.youtube.com/@CinderfallGaming Blogs for if you like the written word. Off Meta Musings - https://www.offmetamusings.com/ Overthinking Warcry - https://overthinkingwarcry.com/ Optimal Gamestate - https://optimalgamestate.com/ Podcasts not on YouTube Dogs of Warcry - https://www.themortalrealms.com/dogs-of-warcry Tools for Content Creators and others who might be interested in such things. https://github.com/krisling049/warcry_data
Warcry Related Discords
Off Meta Musings (It's me!) - https://discord.gg/TREMKu8ZJj
3H1C -
The Main Warcry Discord - https://discord.gg/xApcdBr
Wargames On Toast - https://www.youtube.com/@wargamesontoast 3 Heroes 1 Chaff - https://www.youtube.com/@3Heroes1Chaff TheSaltySea - https://www.youtube.com/@thesaltyseagames Dayton Warcry Club - https://www.youtube.com/@DaytonWarcryClub Optimal Gamestate - https://www.youtube.com/@optimalgamestate Hobby Jackal - https://www.youtube.com/@HobbyJackal Tabletop and Beyond - https://www.youtube.com/@tabletopandbeyond Cinderfall Gaming - https://www.youtube.com/@CinderfallGaming Blogs for if you like the written word. Off Meta Musings - https://www.offmetamusings.com/ Overthinking Warcry - https://overthinkingwarcry.com/ Optimal Gamestate - https://optimalgamestate.com/ Podcasts not on YouTube Dogs of Warcry - https://www.themortalrealms.com/dogs-of-warcry Tools for Content Creators and others who might be interested in such things. https://github.com/krisling049/warcry_data
Fighter (and ability) data with a focus on community-audited correctness. Community maintenance should help with keeping it up-to-date and error-spotting.
RSS Feeds
Off Meta Musings, Wargames on Toast, 3H1C, The Salty Sea
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