Lion Clanpack Review Featuring the London Legion (Contents)

Hello everybody and welcome to what is hopefully going to the the first of a regular series of Clanpack and set reviews featuring other peoples' ramblings aside from my own. In this installment I am happy to host a number of members of the London Legion L5R community in order to get an insight on what they think about the newly released Lion Clanpack, The Emperor's Legion.


Aytan Hilmi (JeremiahBlitz)
Your host here at Off Meta Musings. I started playing L5R relatively recently just after the release of the Imperial Cycle, and for the sole reason that the tournament prize support is so good and now I spend my time writing about the games that I love. I could probably do better in events if I were to play the same old tried and tested Crab decks but hey, where is the fun in that?

Luke Richards (Ikoma Eto)
Luke, aka Ikoma Eto. Birmingham Grand Kotei 2018 Lion Hatamoto. Control player at heart. Advocate for Red Lion. Secretly salty that Lion didn't get Keeper of Air. Not so secret anymore.

Finbarr (Steelfur)
Finbarr Aka Steelfur. L5R streamer, podcaster on ‘Court Games' (LCG half). Often seen being salty about dragon nerfs and lack of cohesive themes, I manage to rally my positivity on a regular basis to talk about things I love about l5r, so yeah. More of that please.

Jake (Nostred)
Jake, aka Nostred, hasn't done much of note in L5R but has been known to hang around the Discord chat and tell all and sundry about his latest jank deck. Before you pay attention to anything he says you should know he voted for Scorpion to get Keeper of Fire rather than Earth so they could run an ancestral poison deck with it, that's how much of a jank merchant he is. Irrelevant fact: he is Team Shoju rather than Team Kachiko, so yeah, now you know.

Alex Botts (Bayushi Shimiji)
Hi, my name is Alex. Many of you have had the pleasure of beating my face in on Jigoku where I go by the name Bayushi Shimiji. I've been a Scorpion fanboy for 20 years. I'm a highly skilled hard working tried and tested mid tier player. Oh, and I'm pretty much a L5R lore master.


To save on space, and to avoid you all having to read a wall of text, I have split the review into three sections handily accessible through the following links;

Lion Dynasty Deck
Lion Conflict Deck
Non-Lion Cards

A note on the ratings themselves; All of the cards are rated on a scale from 1-5 where a 1 is a card that is either too specific, or has an effect that is so comparatively weak to existing cards that it will almost never see play to 5 which is as close as an auto-include in a deck as you can get.